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How We’re Prioritizing Team Building & Wellness Amidst the Pandemic
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How We’re Prioritizing Team Building & Wellness Amidst the Pandemic

It’s been eight months since the P.volve Team, like so many other companies, began working remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic. Since then, we’ve learned so much about our community and our team members. More than anything, we’ve learned that our connections can be just as strong virtually as they can be in person. We may not be able to gather in meeting rooms or work out together at our flagship studio in Soho just yet, but we can turn on our video cameras and still make the most of our current situation.  

And that’s exactly what our team has vowed to do over the past few weeks. At the end of September, all 70 of P.volve’s internal team members met online for a special event hosted by Team Building. The company hosts engaging events for remote teams to take part in to help create camaraderie, connection and an overall fun experience for employees. During P.volve’s 90-minute session, teams of five or six members broke off into separate groups to establish their team name and common interest before participating in games with the larger group. 

The event wasn’t the only time our team has been able to unwind together. The P.volve team is always granted access to unlimited complimentary access to Virtual Studio classes and on-demand workouts to help prioritize movement and better overall wellness in their everyday routines. In between classes and the usual workday, team members are encouraged to share fun pictures of pets, delicious recipes and other moments of their everyday life with the rest of the team. Our Senior Manager of Human Resources shares these moments weekly via email, along with useful articles for team members to read to make their at-home experience even better. 

We all know how important it is to stay connected, even over the computer screen, which is why we ask our team to join 50% of their meeting calls every day. We’ve even set up the Donut app, which pairs two team members together for a “virtual coffee” every other week. This not only encourages casual conversation apart from work, but also helps our members learn more about each other, especially those they don’t typically get to talk to. 

Everyone certainly misses the in-person, in-office experience, and we so look forward to the day we can return to it. But for now, you can find us online—working, laughing and moving together.