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How to Motivate Yourself Outside the Gym
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How to Motivate Yourself Outside the Gym

There’s a reason half the battle of working out is just getting to the gym. Once there, you’re surrounded by equipment, mood-boosting music, mirrors that flash your new leggings at every turn—you actually want to get moving! Your workout environment is everything, and getting your space and mindset right will determine how your workout goes. But not everyone can or wants to belong to a gym, whether there isn’t a good one in your area, its not in your budget, or you’re simply traveling. Having worked with so many different clients who also stream their workouts outside the studio, I’m here to tell you that you can still get just as motivated to crush your workout without even leaving your house, or from wherever you are! 

  • Music. This is what gets me in the zone when I workout on my own. I need my playlist on and the music pumping to start getting fired up and motivated to keep going. We created a P.volve playlist on Spotify with different types of music for you to choose from, including your favorite playlists you’ve heard in class! Music makes the time fly and keeps your energy up, so put your favorite artist on and start engaging those muscles.
  • Plan for the week. Our lives are so crazy and end up getting filled up with last minute plans. I like to take time on my Sunday nights to slot out my workouts for the week. This way I know exactly the days and times I have available to dedicate to myself and this has always ensured that I don’t cancel. With your new personalized calendar, you can select first hand which days’ work for you and get a text message reminder! That being said, even if you don’t have an hour and can only dedicate 20 minutes, still get our session in. Those are 20 valuable minutes! Anything is better than nothing; just make sure you’re super focused, engaged and really commit to every second. 
  • Invite a friend over. Grab your workout buddy and hold each other accountable. It is easy when you’re streaming at home to get discouraged or distracted by pets, kids, texts, etc. but when doing this workout with a friend you can help motivate and support each other to keep going. You can also help correct each other’s form.
  • Give yourself space. The best thing about the P.volve workout is that it doesn’t require a ton of room, but whatever space you’re streaming from make sure its cleared out and has enough room to step back, step out, step open—working around your body like a clock-- without stepping on Gather your equipment before the workout, check which video is in your calendar for the day and make sure all equipment needed is in front of you and ready to grab. Our new P.mat is amazing for in the home, as it is half the size of a regular mat and has more cushion to protect your elbows, knees, and glutes! Maximizing your space is everything and this new mat helps tremendously.
  • Limit distractions. I touched this before, but it’s so important that it deserves it’s own bullet point. Working out is all about you. It is your time to tune into your body, feel good and get to work. Leave your phone outside your space. Unless you’re using your phone to stream their workouts, then turn your notifications off. We can easily get distracted by the famous ping sound, text messages or emails which take us out of the zone and makes it only that much harder to get back in it. Chose a time to work out when you know you can be focused and determined.
  • Outfits. If there is one thing that I have learned from living with my wife and training many different women, it is that your outfit is key. Putting on your favorite top or pair of pants can make you feel confident, and I have seen that show during their workouts. For some reason beyond me, a ton of my clients are obsessed with these matching colorful sets. If that’s your thing too, rock it! Or maybe it’s your favorite band tee. Whatever it is, make sure it’s comfortable during the movements and won’t limit your range of motion.
  • Travel. If you want to work out during your travels, the ankle bands, and gliders are great to bring with you because they barely take up any space in your suitcase and are super lightweight. If you forgot your gliders you can use bathroom towels on a hard surface. You can hit your favorite moves in the morning and night to stay toned and defined, dividing it up into 15 minutes here and 15 minutes there if you don’t have time to dedicate for a full workout video. A little goes a long way once you already have that solid P.volve foundation. 

What are some of your favorite ways to set up your space and stay focused? Show us some pictures of your streaming space (or your “P.cave,” as some members of the Facebook streaming group have coined it). I’d love to see!