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How Cardio Burn Can Help You Lose Weight
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How Cardio Burn Can Help You Lose Weight

When it comes to losing weight, there are so many factors at play—nutrition, water intake and hormones, to name just a fewAnd when it comes to your workout routine, there can be a perfect combination of workouts that help elevate your heart rate and put your muscles under tension for longer periods of time without putting extra pressure on your body. 

That is exactly what Cardio Burn does. This class format isn’t just about getting you to sweat more (though, if you’ve ever joined in, you know how quickly that will happen!); it prioritizes higher rep counts, quicker tempos and bigger ranges of motion to accelerate your metabolism and help you build a stronger heart. 

Member Andrea knew she wanted to lose weight, but often shied away from the faster-paced workouts due to an Achilles tendon injury and exercise-induced asthma. The best part of this particular class, as most find, is being able to tailor your workout based on your needs without compromising results. Whether you need to go easy on the knees or just need to slow it down today, every move can be modified and accommodated based on what you need. Now, over 10 months after first starting P.volve, Andrea was able to lose 22 pounds by prioritizing these workouts and following a healthy diet.

Dani, P.volve trainer, loves giving new members a taste of Cardio Burn, but understands how intimidating it can be at first, especially for those who are used to the staple Strength & Sculpt format. “Start slow. I think all of us can feel overwhelmed when we hear the word ‘cardio’,” she says. “Cardio Burn is like a dial – turn it up and on when you can, and slow it down when you need to.” Just like in Strength & Sculpt, there’s always room to make a modification, pause or reset to keep your form in check. “I may be biased, but I truly think the combination of the P.volve method, a great playlist and our community is the best combination to check ‘cardio’ off your list for the day.” 

Listen below for more from Dani, then get a little taste for Cardio Burn with a few of her favorite moves.  


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