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Hit These 4 Moves to Tone Up the Love Handles
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Hit These 4 Moves to Tone Up the Love Handles

One of the hardest-to-reach areas of the stomach is one so many women have trouble toning: the love handles. Having a bit extra in this area is totally normal, but finding the right movements to stretch, elongate, and sculpt the area is possible—and there’s no harsh crunching required.

These moves use three pieces of equipment: the slant board, heavy ankle weights, and the p.ball. Hit each regularly and soon enough, you’ll see and feel a difference to your love handles. 

Side Hydrant

Start in a p.sit position on the slant board with heavy ankle weights on. Put right arm up at 90-degree angle and lift leg on the same side on an angle (at the corner of the board.) Lift leg at 90 degrees to a hydrant position. Squeeze arm down as you stretch leg back, engaging love handle area. Repeat 8 times on both sides.


Take right leg straight behind on the board with arms above in superman position, left leg still on board. Lift legs and arms up 1-2 inches. Engage back and side muscles through 8 repetitions on both sides.

Side Plank

Start on your side with the p.ball on. Lift up into a side plank position. Engage side and use opposite arm to lift up one inch, pause, then bring back down to neutral. Repeat 8 times on both sides.

Side Squeeze

Start on your knees with the p.ball on with one leg extended straight to the side and the other bent under hips at 90 degrees. Extend arm straight in the air and lift arm and leg together at the same time, squeezing and engaging love handle area. Repeat 8 times on both sides. 

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