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Fitness Myths, Busted! | P.volve
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Fitness Myths, Busted!

With so many different fitness methods, gyms, studios, and streaming services popping up all over the place, it can be hard to know what’s legit and what’s, well, not so legit. And while there is no single right or wrong way to approach fitness, there are certainly a few universal facts that everyone should know, and a fair share of myths that need to be busted.

We’re handing the blog over to those who know all the ins-and-outs, our very own master trainers, to give us a little pop quiz on the hottest topics taking over the fitness world today.


You don't have to be achingly sore the day after a workout in order to see results. TRUE.
Being sore is not always a sign of a good workout. A good workout means having correct form and executing the moves with precision, so that the muscles fully activate and the neural connections fire up.

The only way to get full-body definition is by doing high reps with heavy weights. FALSE.
Heavy weights will get you results, but you can also get beautiful definition by maintaining proper form while squeezing and releasing your muscles as you work them.

Strengthening your mind-body connection is exclusive to yoga practices. FALSE.
Mind-body connection is something you should practice in any workout. The more you focus on the moves and the muscles that are supposed to be activated, the more effective your workout will be. 

You should always stretch before and after a workout. TRUE.
This is so important! If you don't take the time to stretch, your body will become tight and imbalanced, and you will not be able to have full range of motion in your joints. Stretching helps prevent injury and other problems.

Doing squats is the best way to tone and lift your glutes. FALSE.
Squats are great, but they only work the glutes in one plane of motion - the sagittal plane. To lift and tone your glutes, you want to work them the way they were designed to work, in multiple planes of motion - frontal, sagittal, and transverse.