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Checking In On Your 2020 Goals
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Checking In On Your 2020 Goals

By now, we’re well into 2020 which means your New Year’s resolutions have either just kicked in or have fallen completely by the wayside. Either way, you’re bound to need a check in and some extra motivation to keep you going for another 11 months. Here's how to reboot your mindset and stay dedicated to whatever goals you have in 2020.

Plan ahead.

No matter what your goals are for the year, they need a plan. Making sure you’re prepared with necessary supplies, resources and accountability partners is key—like prepping healthy meals for the week, laying workout clothes out on your bed the night before or waking up 10 minutes earlier to get your daily meditation in. 

Focus on building habits.

Your goals will only be successful if you build habits, not one-time actions. And since it takes 21 days to build a habit, you’ll have to train your brain to do the same things over and over until they become second nature. Trying to drink more water? Keep refilling the same bottle over and over every day. Trying to perfect your p.sit? Keep practicing it over and over until you do it without thinking in workouts.

Take it day by day.

If you think of your 2020 goals in the context of the entire year, they’ll feel impossible. It’s way too big of a picture to imagine, especially if they're health and fitness related or about implementing a big, drastic change that will switch up your day-to-day life. Instead, tackle your goals one day and one moment at a time so they’re approachable and doable instead of intimidating.

Think of every week as a new opportunity.

Slip ups are inevitable and human. But instead of letting them derail you from your goals completely, just let them happen and make a plan to get back on track. You don’t have to wait until the New Year to start working out regularly again—a new chance to reset your goals comes around every Monday morning! 

Get started with these express 15-30 minute workouts. Or, if you're new here, try our streaming platform with a 14-day free trial.