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Catt Sadler & Stephen Pasterino | P.volve
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Catt Sadler Picks Her Favorite P.volve Moves

She’s a mom, a podcast host, and a writer, but somehow, someway, she manages to get it all done. Catt Sadler, like so many women, has a hectic schedule—one where health and fitness could easily be put to the wayside.

But Sadler found her way to P.volve and has been perfecting her form ever since. Below, she told us about her routine and making it work as a mother-of-two.

What’s your favorite part of being a mom?
It’s impossible to pick one thing. Even the hard times are my favorite times because the amount of love you have of your children is so all encompassing. Now that my kids are older (14 and 18), I will say it’s amazing to watch them evolve into young men. All of that nurturing, teaching, and guiding has really shaped them and now you start to see the results of your parenting efforts.

How do you balance being a mom, work, and staying fit?
It’s easier now that the boys are older and now that I run my own company. I have more flexibility and if I make working out a priority, then it just is. I am incredibly grateful to be at a phase in my life that allows me to live on my own terms. I can carve out time for working out and I can be readily available to my children. For many years I would have to sacrifice time away from the kids and would often forego my fitness because of the demands of my job. It’s a joy to be in a different place that allows me more access to both!

Do you like to cook? If so, what’s your go-to meal?
Honestly, not so much. I wish I was a better cook. I try and make one or two homemade dinners a week. Sunday evening meals around the table are my favorite. That go-to meal is usually grilled miso salmon with broccoli and perhaps roasted potatoes with rosemary. For breakfast I do some decent pancakes, also.

Is there a certain activity you like to do with your boys?
We love to ski as a family. We were in Banff over the holidays and went on some massive snowy hikes through the mountains. That was pretty epic. We also hit the beach as a family when we can. Otherwise, they both love basketball and I try and get involved when they let me.

What is your daily fitness and/or wellness routine?
I was in a bit of a slump at the beginning of the year but to be honest I’m now in a much better place. I’ll work out about 4 times a week. I’ve been doing hot yoga, the occasional run or hike, and P.volve! I’ve also been eating cleaner seeing as though it’s bikini season. We have a pool too and I love entertaining so naturally in California we are swimming a lot. I love to feel lean and strong and confident in my body, so I generally take things up a notch this time of year!

What’s your favorite piece of P.volve equipment?
I really like the arm bands. They allow me to get to the parts of my arms that I want toned. I see major results!

What’s your favorite P.volve move?
I like the hip lifts that really help me strengthen my lower body and also tone up the sides of my upper legs. I like doing controlled movements in tiny motions and seeing BIG RESULTS.

It’s no secret you’re a busy woman! How do you take time for yourself?
Self-care is paramount. I meditate. I practice hot yoga. I read a lot. I insist on carving out time to fuel up mentally, emotionally, and physically so I can be a better human, mother, friend, daughter.

What’s your favorite way to relax and de-compress after a long day?
I take a hot bath, put on a face mask, turn on some loud music, light a few candles, and pour a glass of red wine. Heaven.

How do you typically celebrate Mother’s Day?
There’s no typical Mother’s Day standing ritual but I am always with Austin and Arion. Sometimes we’ll do an over the top fancy brunch. Other years we’ll just pack up and do a picnic at the beach. Sometimes we hang at my mom’s house and just relax all day. This year? I’m not sure yet to be honest! I just love quality time with my little dudes. I’ll probably insist they put their phones away or something wild like that! Ha!