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Ashley Wagner's Favorite P.volve Routine
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Ashley Wagner's Favorite P.volve Routine

Olympic figure skater Ashley Wagner has always found her best legs on ice. She began skating at an early age, earning a silver medal in 2016 and many other national championships along the way.

Now, as a retired athlete, Wagner looks for new ways to stay in shape and move her body that feel good on her muscles. We chatted with the 28-year-old about her workout routine and how she fits P.volve in on the road.

How long have you been figure skating? What are the best and hardest parts?
I've been skating for 23 years. The best part has to be that moment when you can bring an entire audience to their feet. It feels magical. The hardest part would be the hours on the ice. It’s a full time job, and at the end of the day you are so exhausted you can’t really go do anything else! 

How has your fitness routine changed through the years?
As a retired athlete, I am no longer putting my body through hours and hours of training. While I was a competitive figure skater, I was on the ice for about 4 hours a day and I would head into the gym for another two. Now, post career, it is really important to me that I keep the tone I had while skating without having to workout for hours. My body is also pretty injured from the years of impact, so my fitness routine now must really be easier on my body.
How has P.volve fit seamlessly into your schedule?
I am on the road constantly, and the P.volve equipment is so easy to pack into my suitcase. I can clear out some space in my hotel room and turn on a video and get to work!
What about the at-home workouts made the program easy to follow?
The movement is all built on basic techniques that are really easy to understand. You have to really focus on your positioning, so it is extremely engaging and motivating to get through a workout.
 Have you seen changes in your body, form, or overall improved feeling?
I feel like I’ve been able to really stay in shape while I have been on the road! I didn’t lose my tone from skating, and I feel so much more confident in how my body looks.

What's your favorite piece of equipment?                                                  Definitely the

Favorite P.volve streaming video or move?
Really, anything involving the!

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