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8 Need-To-Know Tips From Top Model Blanca Padilla
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8 Need-To-Know Tips From Top Model Blanca Padilla

If you feel like you’ve noticed an increase in daring outfits passing you by or flooding your Insta feed, you’re not wrong. September Fashion Week has befallen the streets of New York City, and with that comes an influx of sartorial expertise to the frontline. But it’s not all glitz and glamour, especially for the models who barely have a moment to breathe between shows. It’s a whirlwind of a week, and it’s important for the girls to keep their healthy habits in check. We caught up with top model Blanca Padilla (who happens to be a P.volve regular) to share some of her #selfcare secrets!

What is your favorite breakfast to fuel your day?
I usually start my day with a huge smoothie, making sure to add protein and lots of greens. I then add toppings such as raspberries, blueberries, chia seeds, shredded coconut and ground flaxseeds for fiber and energy. I also love to start my day with pasture-raised eggs, either poached or in an omelet, with avocado on the side. I also love chia pudding with berries-- great for busy weeks as it’s so versatile and easy to make ahead and grab on the go. 

How do you destress, both during Fashion Week and in life?
Taking time for myself. A little "me time" after a crazy day of events, meetings and castings is really what works for me. Getting a relaxing massage, a nice facial, or simply staying home cooking something yummy and journaling or being with myself. Self-care is key to be able to give to others in all areas of your life.

What are you reading right now?
I’m reading “The Power Of Now” by Eckhart Tolle. It requires a lot of effort because it opens up a whole new world to you so I have to find a good moment, feel up to it and almost take notes while reading it. 

Go-to beauty must-haves on-the-go?
I always have to have a good lip balm with me. I’m a huge fan of rose water and my look on-the-go is simply concealer where needed, a bit of bronzer and highlighter (both also used for my eyes to add some depth), curled lashes, eyebrows brushed and a touch of lip liner that blends with your natural color.

Blanda Padilla Pvolve

Do you have a favorite P.volve move or piece of equipment?
This is a hard one! I am obsessed with the workout, my body just loves it so much! I’d say the is a great addition. I also love using the light resistance band and hitting all the angles with it. My favorite moves include a lot of stretching. I love the beginning of the workout with the step back-reach that wakes up the whole body, and opening the hips on the mat after long flights. And anything that works my abs while stretching. I think that’s everything… 

What song gets you in the zone?
Almost anything, I love music. 

Go-to outfit when on or off-duty?
Denim, denim, denim!!! Forever.

How do you find your confidence, in daily life and as a model?
I think is about really internalizing that nobody has your potential or uniqueness. You can’t be good for everybody or everything, but there are things that make you vibrate and feel joy, and that’s the path you must follow. Your confidence will come if you forget about the noise and focus on whatever it is that calls your name and you’re good at, and then there’s no need for comparing yourself to others because your uniqueness is yours; nobody can offer what you can towards what you love. It is not about being perfect but about finding how and where you can shine. We’re all special and if you don’t see that yourself, you can’t ask for others to see it.

You read it here, folks. From workouts and facials to smoothies and journaling, taking time for yourself whenever you can is essential for the body and mind. 

Now it's your turn-- #WhatsYourRunway ? Be sure to let us know where and how YOU shine by tagging @Pvolve on Instagram and sharing in the comments below!

Shop some of Blanca’s favorite equipment here and start streaming like a model!