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4 Tips for a Healthier Festival
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4 Tips for a Healthier Festival

With spring comes festival season, and with festival season comes longgg days and short (sleepless) nights. For all you festival-goers, the goal of the weekend is to let loose and have a good time, but that doesn't mean you have to lose sight of your health and fitness goals! These 4 simple tips will keep you on your feet and feeling your best without much extra thought.

4 Tips for a healthier festival:

1. Stay hydrated. This may seem like an obvious one, but that also makes it the easiest to forget. Be sure to have your refillable water bottle (even better if it's one of those rubber bag bottles that can fold up when empty!) and maybe bring some vitamin C packets as well for an extra immunity boost. If you can bring your own food in to the venue, definitely stock up on hydrating foods like cucumber and melon for snacks (and to make flavored water!), as well as coconut water for the natural electrolytes. 

2. Wear SPF. It's all fun and musical games until you get a sunburn that makes moving to the beat a little less enjoyable. Prepare for the long day(s) ahead with a solid layer of SPF in the morning, and reapplying every few hours-- especially if you're sweating from all that dancing! 

3. Eat (and snack) smart. Mother always stressed breakfast as the most important meal of the day, and it couldn't be more true than during a festival weekend. Fuel up for a full day of being on your feet with a nourishing and energizing breakfast, like P's egg scramble or a protein smoothie. Once inside the venue, there's sure to be a huge selection of food trucks, so make sure to do a lap and plot out where your healthy options are before you get hungry so that you don't run for the nearest fried-food stand when the hunger kicks in. 

4. Stretch it out. You'll be on your feet and dancing the majority of the day, so why not treat it like you would a workout session? Hit any one of our 5-minute stretching videos before and after the event-- and even during!-- to warm up and wind down from all that movement.


No matter if it's your first or fifth festival, you'll want to come prepared with these simple health tips. For those of you attending Coachella, be sure to join us for the countdown as we'll be out in LA hosting 5 days classes coast-to-coast starting on Friday, April 5th!

LA P.volvers, click here to register. For NY, click here to visit our studio!