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3 Couples Who Prove Those That Sweat Together, Stay Together
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3 Couples Who Prove Those That Sweat Together, Stay Together

Staying healthy and fit is an important part of life as individuals, but it's just as important when it comes to your love life. From work to social events, running errands and looking after the family, it can be hard to fit in a workout, let alone a date night with your S.O. 

But amongst all the things on our agendas, we can't forget to spend quality time with the person who we're lucky enough to have by our side through it all. Rather than having to choose between our health and the health of our relationships, finding ways to keep active and healthy together will help you grow stronger, together and apart. 

Seeking advice on how to put this into practice, we spoke with 3 couples here at P.volve HQ who prove those that sweat together, stay together.

Jaclyn Fried (Partnerships Coordinator) & her boyfriend Michael
Staying active is such a crucial and fun part to my everyday life that it’s so important I share it with the person I love. Both born in the Midwest, we love being together outdoors. Some of our favorite activities are hiking, waterskiing, kayaking, downhill skiing and tennis! It’s not only such valuable quality time, but it truly brings us closer together and we love pushing ourselves to try new things. We stay healthy by cooking together rather than apart –  it makes it fun and enjoyable for the both of us! When we eat out, it’s great to share two dishes so we don’t feel like we’re missing out or overeating. Having a healthy lifestyle helps us maintain not only a strong relationship, but a positive work mindset as well!  


Veronica Ponce (Junior Editor) & her boyfriend Jeremy
We love just getting on our bikes and riding around Manhattan and Brooklyn. It’s tough during the colder months but it’s so much fun just blasting the music we love, seeing the city we love, and doing something liberating. We also like to challenge each other during our day to day activities to make some of the more mundane things more interesting. For example, if we’re watching a TV show and one of us makes a bet of some sort, the loser has to do (x) amount of push-ups or sit-ups, or if we’re cleaning the house together, whoever finishes their task last has to do another work out! When it comes to meals, we love cooking together. Planning our meals and making them together keeps us entertained and healthy. It’s a lot of fun in the kitchen and keeps us from ordering out.


Samantha Cowit (Email Marketing Specialist) & her boyfriend Justin
Justin and I are extremely similar when it comes to our health habits (and one of the main things that attracted me to him!). We love working out/staying active, it’s something we do on a daily basis. Whether it’s going to the gym before work, taking a walk or run around Chelsea on the weekends, or picking out our favorite health foods at Trader Joe’s, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is something we definitely value and encourage each other within our relationship. 

How do you and your S.O. keep active and healthy together? Show us by tagging @Pvolve on Instagram-- bonus points if you’re both doing P.volve! 

Check out some of P & Rachel’s favorite recipes over on the P.volve YouTube Channel to get some inspo for your next couple cooking session!