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10-Minute Pumpkin Soup for Your Last-Minute Friendsgiving
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10-Minute Pumpkin Soup for Your Last-Minute Friendsgiving

Thanksgiving is only three days away! But that’s still three whole days for you to get invited to a last-minute Friendsgiving. Unfortunately for a lot of us, the office work load seems to double leading up to big holidays, so spending hours in your kitchen doesn’t exactly fit your agenda. For fear of showing up empty-handed, it’s all too easy to cave into the temptation to bring a store-bought dish, but don’t be so quick to purchase the first pumpkin pie you see off the shelf. It’s tricky to know exactly what goes into those pre-made meals, even ones you find at health food stores. Did you know many restaurants and grocery stores that we generally consider to be “healthy” still use high-inflammatory ingredients like canola and corn oils? Even if they’re organic and non-GMO, you want to steer clear of these vegetable oils, as they are polyunsaturated fats that become oxidized quickly when cooked, creating cancer-causing free-radicals and toxins the body. 

Instead, opt to bring your own veggie dish! Roasted veggies, like my favorite kobocha squash, are super easy to prepare in large quantities and take very little time to cook. You can even prepare them at home and wait until you get to the party to pop them in the oven to ensure they are served perfectly crispy. This works well with asparagus, carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, you name it. 

Alternatively, veggie soups are just as easy. Below I’ve shared my 10-minute, one-pot pumpkin soup recipe that is sure to do the trick! Requiring minimal ingredients, minimal time, and minimal cleanup, this recipe is not only overflowing with health benefits, but the addition of spices like turmeric and curry really step it up.

Pumpkin is a low-calorie yet fiber-dense carbohydrate, and in its canned form is actually 90% water! Not only will it hydrate you to sip this soup, but pumpkin’s signature orange-hue is due to its large supply of beta-carotene, which converts to Vitamin A in the body and thus supports strong vision. Coconut oil provides healthy saturated fats which, unlike polyunsaturated fats, have a much higher smoke point meaning it can be cooked at a higher temperature without oxidizing. Coconut oil also is proven to have brain-boosting effects and increases good cholesterol in the blood. Turmeric and curry are perhaps my two favorite spices that I put on pretty much everything this time of year, as they have anti-inflammatory and metabolism boosting properties that also give an unexpected twist to even the most basic recipes. Your friends will never know you made it just in the knick of time! 

Easy Quick P.umpkin Soup


* 1 can pure organic pumpkin
* 1 tablespoon virgin organic coconut oil
* 1 lemon (juice of)
* 1 tablespoon turmeric
* 1 tablespoon curry


  1. Pour pumpkin into a small sauce pan
  2. Add all other ingredients & mix
  3. Cook on low heat till warm
  4. ENJOY!

See this recipe in action by visiting our YouTube Channel, and let us know if you make this or any of our other favorites from P’s kitchen!

Check out some of our other favorite pumpkin recipes here!

Have a favorite holiday dish you want made healthy? Put in a request in the comments below, or let us know on Instagram @Pvolve!